Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Foot Placement Using Foot IK

Inverse kinematics has found its way in character animation very well. It has become a major part of animation content creation tools while the animators can not animate characters without IK. There exits different solvers for inverse kinematics. Analytical solution for IK chains with two bones and Cyclic Coordinate Descent for IK chains with more than two bones are the most famous ones. They are widely used in animation content creation tools. While IK has a wide usage in DCC tools, it has found its way to real time animation systems as well. This includes game engines and animation systems which are widely being used in games. Using IK has almost become a standard for many games with good visuals. By using IK in real time animations, characters can overcome the variety of the environments they are moving in. Assume a character that has a walk animation. The animator has animated it on an even surface so it will be fine if you move it on an even surface. But when you move it on an uneven surface, his feet is not going to be placed correctly on the ground. Here you can use Foot IK to place character feet on ground. The usage of IK is not restricted to feet. It can be used for hands as well. The same scenario can be used in a rock climbing feature for both hands and feet. Feet IK is also used to avoid foot skating.

IK in real time animation systems is acting as a post process on animations. This means that the original animation(s) are always being calculated in their normal way, then IK is applying after that to correct character poses to respond well to the changes in environment. It is also used to avoid foot skating while moving root position/rotation procedurally or semi-procedurally.

Using IK in video games can go beyond this, as some video games has integrated full body IK within their engine. However using full body IK has not become a standard in gaming industry yet and not many games using it but using IK for hands and feet has almost become a standard for games which are caring more for their visuals.

This post is going to show how a foot placement system can be created to place the character feet on uneven surfaces dynamically or planting feet on ground to avoid foot skating. The post is originally based on the document I provided with a foot placement system named "Mec Foot Placer". Mec Foot Placer is a foot placement system which I implemented in my free time. You can get it from unity asset store. I've shared some useful parts of the document here for those who like to use or implement these kind of systems for their games.

Before going further I recommend to check out these unity web player build to see how the system is affecting characters feet:

Mec Foot Placer with plant foot feature
Mec Foot Placer without plant foot feature

And here is the link to the asset store:

Mec Foot Placer on Unity Asset Store

The system is using Unity5 Mecanim so you might see some Mecanim specific notes in the post. If you are not a Unity3D developer, you can jump out of the unity specific topics in this post, otherwise those would be helpful as well. However the technique described here is not restricted to Unity and you can implement it on any platform which is offering IK, FK and physics. So in this post, I tried to describe the system generally for those who like to implement the same system on different platforms (not just Unity) and at the end some Unity specific notes are provided.

Mec Foot Placer

1- Introduction

Mec foot placer provides an automatic workflow for the character feet to be placed on grounds and uneven terrains. This document provides the details of this system and depicts how it can be setup. Mec foot placer acts as a post process on animations so while it places the foot automatically on grounds, it will save the overall shape of the feet determined by the active animation(s).

2- Work Flow

Mec foot placer can find the appropriate foot position on ground by using raycasts. The system uses three raycasts to find foot, toe and the corner of heel position. Toe position is used for foot pitch rotation and heel corner position is used for foot roll. The foot yaw rotation will be obtained from the animation itself to make sure the original animation pose is not wrongly affected. The system always check the ground availability based on foot position from the current active animation(s). If system detects any ground, it will set the foot in an appropriate position and rotation on it.

When the system is active, it will automatically place the foot on ground in these steps respectively:

1- First it gets the foot position from current active animation(s).

2- It casts a ray from an origin on top of the foot position in direction of the up vector with a custom offset distance.

3-The ray is pointing down from the origin in the direction of the opposite up vector with a distance equal to the same offset distance from step 1 plus foot height and a custom extra ray distance value. Figure 1 shows how the ray is cast for step 1 to 3.

Figure 2 shows the final foot position after detecting a contact point. White sphere in the figure 2 is showing the detected contact point.

The detected contact point is not suitable for placing the foot because it is ignoring the foot height and it causes the leg to be stretched and penetrate through ground. So a vector equal to UpVector * FootHeight will be added to detected contact point (white sphere) to set the final foot position. The Up Vector will be normalized automatically within the system. The blue sphere in Figure 2 shows the final foot position.

Figure 1- Ray casting for finding foot contact point

Figure 2- Final foot position after detecting a contact point

4- From the detected foot position another ray is cast based on the foot forward vector and current Foot rotation from the FK pose (foot animation pose). This ray is used to find toe position. The toe position is going to be used to find foot pitch rotation. Figure 3 shows how toe position is going to be found by using raycasts.

Figure 3- Raycast for finding Toe position

The Toe Vector in figure3 is equal to foot yaw rotation from animation multiplied by normalized forward vector multiplied by foot length:

Applying foot yaw rotation from animation is causing the system to save the original foot direction determined by artist/animator. Figure 4 shows the detected toe position leading the foot to be placed on the surface correctly. Blue sphere shows the detected toe position.

Figure 4- Detected toe position and the according foot rotation

5- From the detected foot position in step 1 to 3 another ray is cast to find the heel corner position. This ray is used to find the foot roll rotation. Figure 5 shows how this step is working.

The Heel Vector in figure5 is equal to foot yaw rotation from animation multiplied by normalized right vector multiplied by foot half width. Where right vector is forward vector rotated 90 degrees around up vector.

Figure 5- Raycast for finding Heel corner position

The blue sphere in the Figure 6 shows the detected heel corner position and the roll rotation of Foot IK based on that.

Figure 6- Detected heel corner position and the according foot roll rotation

6- The system also adjusts the IKHints of legs automatically to achieve a natural knee shape. IKHints are known as swivel angles as well. The IKHints or swivel angles are determining the surface in which The IK chain is being solved.

Figure 7 shows how the detected IKHint position is set. The blue sphere is showing the final IKHint position and the white sphere is showing the detected toe position. Calf vector is a vector in direction of calf bone (lower leg) and with magnitude equal to calf bone length.

7-    The system can also adjust the character’s pelvis to avoid unrealistic foot stretching. If the pelvis adjustment feature is checked, the system compares the distance of the detected ground contact position and the upper leg position. If the distance is higher than the specified leg length, it means the leg is stretched and it comes up with an unrealistic look. So the pelvis is adjusted based on the calculated error between the detected ground contact position and the leg length. This error is multiplied by the current foot up vector and will be added to the pelvis through time to move the pelvis along the up vector. Figure 8 shows the situation.

Figure 7- Final IKHint position (swivel angle)

Note that when the system is in IK mode, if the ray for foot position detection fails to contact to any ground, the foot placement system will transition to FK mode smoothly through time. This is also true if the system wants to switch back from FK to IK as well.

                       Figure 8-1- Character without pelvis adjustment. Leg stretched and located on air

Figure 8-2- Character with pelvis adjustment. Leg is not stretched and placed exactly on ground

3- Foot Placement Input Data

Each foot needs an input data to work correctly. For this reason a FootPlacementData component is provided to manipulate each foot needed data.The input variables coming with the component should be filled by user. Each input variable is described here:
  • Foot ID: Selects the foot or hand ID. This shows which foot or hand this component information belongs to.

  • Plant Foot: If this check box is checked, the system will check for foot planting feature. Character’s foot will be planted after detecting a contact point and it will remain on the detected position and rotation until it automatically returns to FK mode. It also checks for the ground height changes so feet can be placed on ground while being planted. This feature provides good solution to avoid foot skating. If the plant foot check box is not checked the foot always gets its position and rotation from animation and after that the foot placement uses raycasts to place it on the ground. If the plant foot is checked the foot will be placed on the first detected contact point and it will not follow the animation while it is in the IK mode. While foot plant feature is active the system can blend between the planted foot position and rotation with the position and rotation of the foot without plant foot feature. However feet are always placed on the uneven terrains and grounds.

Foot plant feature has some functions to manipulate its blend weights. Check out section 4 to find out more about its functions. It is recommended to enable this feature in some states which might have foot skating like locomotion states and disable it in the other states which is not capable of having foot skating like standing Idle. Please check “IdleUpdate.cs” and “LocomotionUpdate.cs” to find out how to disable and enable this feature safely.
  • Forward Vector: This vector should be set to show the character foot initial direction. What you see in the Character foot reference pose or (Mecanim T-Pose) is what you should use here. At many times character initial forward vector is equal to foot forward vector.

  • IK Hint Offset: The IK hint position will be calculated automatically as stated in section 1. The IK Hint Offset is added to this the final calculated IK Hint Position to fine tune the final IK hint position.

  • Up Vector: Up vector shows the character up vector. This should be equal to world up vector (Vector3(0 , 1, 0)) if the character is moving on ground. Otherwise for some rare situations like running on walls this should be changed accordingly.

  • Foot Offset Dist: The distance used for raycasting. Figure 1, 3 and 5 show the parameter in action.

  • Foot Length: Foot length is used to find the toe position to set the foot pitch rotation. It should be equal to character’s foot length. Figure 3 shows the details.

  • Foot Half Width: This parameter should be equal to half width of the foot. It is used to find foot roll rotation. Figure 5 shows the details.

  • Foot Height: Foot height is used to set the correct heel position on ground. It should be equal to distance of heel center to lower leg joint. Figure 1 and 2 show the details.

  • Foot Rotation Limit: The IK foot rotation will not exceed from this value and this will be its limit for rotation. The value is considered in degrees.

  • Transition Time: When no contact point is detected by the system, it will switch to FK mode smoothly through time. Also when the system is in FK mode and it finds a contact point it will switch to IK mode smoothly through time. The “Transition Time” parameter, is the time length of the smooth transition between FK to IK or IK to FK.

  • Extra Ray Distance Check: This parameter is used to find correct foot, toe or heel corner position on ground. Figure 1, 3 and 5 show the parameter in action. This parameter can be changed dynamically to achieve better visual results. Check out the "IdleUpdate.cs" and "LocomotionUpdate.cs" scripts in the project to find out the details. These scripts are changing the “Extra Ray Distance Check” value based on the foot position in the animations and the current animation state. Both scripts use Unity 5 animator behavior callbacks.

  • Set ExtraRay Distance Check Automatically: As mentioned above it’s always better to change the extra ray distance check parameter manuAs mentioned above it’s better to change the extra ray distance check parameter manually based on the animation frames which the foot is stable or unstable on the ground. So at the frames in which the foot is planted on the ground like standing idle or support phases in run or walk, the Extra Ray Distance Check should be increased to make sure that foot hits the ground. Surely this needs some extra scripting like what the IdleUpdate or LocomotionUpdate scripts are doing or you can do them with animation curves. However if you don’t want to do extra scripting or adding animation curves, you can turn this feature on and the FootPlacementData component will set the ExtraRayDistanceCheck value automatically. By turning this feature on, the component will find the frames that in which the foot is stable on the ground and at these frames it will set the ExtraRayDistanceCheck to a user specified maximum value and if the foot is not stable it will set the ExtraRayDistanceCheck to a minimum value specified by user. Check out “UnityCharacter_No_Animator_Extra_Scirpts” prefab and “DefaultAvatar_AutoRayDistanceSet” scene

  • Foot Distance from Ground Threshold: This value only works if the “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically” parameter is checked. The system checks out foot distance from character position alongside up vector. If the distance is lower than this threshold, it means foot is close enough to its planting animation frames and it should be adjusted by casting a longer raycast. Here the ExtraRayDistanceCheck will be set to “Extra Ray Distance Check Max” and if this distance is higher than this threshold, the ExtraRayDistanceCheck will be set to “Extra Ray Distance Check Min”.
  • Extra Ray Distance Check Min: The minimum value used to set “Extra Ray Distance Check”. Only works if the “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically” is checked. Please check out “Error Threshold” and “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically” sections for more info.

  • Extra Ray Distance Check Max: The maximum value used to set “Extra Ray Distance Check”. Only works if the “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically” is checked. Please check out “Error Threshold” and “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically” sections for more info.

  • Draw Debug Ray: If checked, three debug rays will be drawn only in the scene viewport. The red ray shows the ray casted for the foot, green for heel and blue for toe. Please note that the rays are drawn if they hit a physical object otherwise no ray will be drawn.

4- Mec Foot Placer Component

The Mec Foot Placer component is responsible for setting the correct rotation and position of feet on the ground and switching between IK and FK for feet automatically.It also can adjust character’s pelvis to avoid unrealistic foot stretching often seen while using foot IK.

Mec Foot Placer provides some functions which can be used by user. These functions are stated here:

  • void SetActive(AvatarIKGoal foot_id, bool active): This function will set the system on or off safely for each foot. At some states you don’t need the system to be active. For example when character is falling, there is no need to check for foot placement. However the system will work correctly on this state too but the user can disable it to ignore the calculations of the component. Each feet can be activated or deactivated separately.
  • bool IsActive(AvatarIKGoal foot_id): If the current foot is active the function returns true otherwise false.

  • void SetLayerMask(LayerMask layer_mask): Sets the layer mask which is going to be used in raycasts within system. The default value is Everything (LayerMask.NameToLayer(“Everything”); which means all of the objects in the world can be collided by the raycasts.  

      Previously there was a check box in foot placement data components named “Ignore Character Controller”. The option is removed and instead the ability of setting layer masks is added. To avoid probable collisions between the character controller of the owner game object and the raycasts within system, the layer mask should be set correctly. For example if you set the owner game object layer to 8 and you want to have collision with the whole world and avoid collisions with the owner game object, you can use this sample code:

       SetLayerMask( ~0 & ~(1 << 8));
       SetLayerMask (LayerMask.NameToLayer ("Everything") & ~Mathf.RoundToInt( Mathf.Pow(2, LayerMask.NameToLayer( “LayerName” ) ) )

  • LayerMask GetLayerMask():  Returns the layer mask set for the raycast.

  • void EnablePlant(AvatarIKGoal foot_id, float blend_speed):  This function will set the plant foot weight from its current value to 1 through time based on blend speed parameter. The function is useful to be used for some states which need foot planting like locomotion. By using it, plant foot feature will be activated smoothly through time. To have the plant foot feature effective the plant foot weight value should be higher than 0.

  •  void DisablePlant(AvatarIKGoal foot_id, float blend_speed):  This function will set the plant foot weight from its current value to 0 through time based on blend speed parameter. The function is useful to be used for some states which doesn’t need foot planting like standing idles. By using it plant foot feature will be deactivated smoothly through time. 

  • void SetPlantBlendWeight(AvatarIKGoal foot_id, float weight): Sometimes you need to manually change the plant blend values rather than using DisablePlant or EnablePlant functions. This function sets the blend weight between planted foot position and rotation with the non-planted foot position and rotation.

  •  float GetPlantBlendWeight(AvatarIKGoal foot_id): This function returns current blend weight for foot planting feature.
Mec foot placer have some public member variables which are related to the pelvis adjustment feature. They are listed here:

  •          Adjust Pelvis Vertically: It is highly recommended to turn this feature on just in the stationary situations like idle animations. Turning this feature on, in situations like fighting and locomotion can affect the original motion since having a stretched leg in running or in many combat animations is common and the pelvis should not be adjusted because of the stretched leg.

     Turning the pelvis adjustment on or off can be done easily via behavior scripts in Unity 5. For example in “SimpleLocomotionCointroller” the pelvis adjustment is just turned on while entering IdleLeft and IdleRight states and it turns on when it goes to Locomotion State. Check out PelvisSet.cs and PelvisUnset.cs scripts in the “Extra Scripts“ folder to find out more.

  •         Damp Pelvis: If this variable is checked, pelvis will have a slight damping while being adjusted.

  •          Max Leg Length: Indicates the leg length. It should be equal to the distance of character’s upper leg and foot. Pelvis adjusts itself based on the error between max leg length and the current detected position on ground to avoid leg stretching.

  •          Min Leg Length: This shows the minimum distance between upper leg and the foot of the character. Pelvis adjusts itself so that difference between upper legs with their corresponding foots never goes less than the min leg length.

  •         Pelvis Adjustment Speed: Shows the speed of pelvis adjustment translation.

  • Layers To Ignore: The layers that needed to be ignored for ray-cast collisions can be added to this list. The layers also can be added using SetLayerMask function. It’s always suggested to add character’s layer to this list so the system would not face self-collisions.

5- Quick Setup Guide

To setup the system you have to add a MecFootPlacer component. The foot placement component needs at least one FootPlacementData component otherwise it will not work. If two feet are needed to be considered, two foot placement data components should be set. One for right foot and one for left foot so the system can manipulate both feet.
After setting the components the Mec Foot Placer system should work correctly. Check out the example scenes for more info.

5-1- Important Notes on Setting Up the System

Some important notes should be considered before setting up the system:

  • Exposing Necessary Bones: If you checked “Optimize Game Objects” in the avatar rig, then some bones have to be exposed since the Mec Foot Placer needs them to work correctly. The bones are listed here:
           1- The corresponding bones for left and right feet.
           2- The corresponding bones for left and right lower legs.

          Check out the “Robot Kyle” avatar in the project to find how it can be done.

  • Setting up the data correctly: Don’t forget that setting up the data for foot placement needs precision and at some states the data needs to be changed dynamically to achieve the best effects. For example the “Extra Ray Distance Check” parameter should be increased or decreased in different states or animation times to achieve better visual results. Fortunately this can be done easily in Unity 5 by using animator behavior scripts. Check out the "IdleUpdate.cs" and "LocomotionUpdate.cs" in project to find out the details. Both scripts are being called within “SimpleLocomotion” animation controller. As Scripts show, the “Extra Ray Distance Check” parameter is increased while character enters in idle state. Also in the locomotion state, the “Extra Ray Distance Check” parameter increases in the times that character is putting his feet on the ground. This is to make sure that foot touches the ground. It will be decreased while the foot is not on the ground to help the foot move freely while looking for ground contacts as well.

  • Setting Extra Ray Distance Check Automatically: From version 1.5 it is possible to set the Extra ray distance check automatically based on the frames in which the feet are stable. The component can detect the stable foot frames and change the extra ray distance check to a maximum value if the foot is stable and to a minimum value if the foot is unstable. Stable means that the foot is not moving much and unstable means that the foot is moving frequently. Please check out “Set Extra Ray Distance Check Automaticallyfor more info.

  • Checking IK Pass Check Box: On any layer in which you need IK, you have to check IK pass check box in the animator controller so the IK callbacks can be called by Mecanim. If you don't check this check box, Mec Foot Placer will not work.

  • Mecanim Specific Features: Mecanim humanoid rigs provide a leg stretching feature which can help foot IK to look better. The leg stretching feature can avoid Knee popping while setting foot IK. However the value should be set accurately. High values of this feature makes the character cartoony and low values can increase the chance of knee popping in the character. To setup Leg Stretch feature you have to select your character asset. It should be a humanoid rig. In the rig tab, select configure then select muscles tab. In the “Additional Settings” group, you can find a parameter named “Leg Stretch”. Check out “Robot Kyle” avatar in the project to find out more.
  •     Using Pelvis Adjustment Feature: It is highly recommended to turn this feature on just in the stationary situations like idle animations. Turning this feature on, in situations like fighting and locomotion can affect the original motion since having a stretched leg in running or in many combat animations is a must and the pelvis should not be adjusted because of the stretched leg. 

  • Using Mec Foot Placer for Qudrupeds: From version 1.4 the hands can also be placed on ground using the same mechanism for foots. From now, Mec Foot Placer can be used for quadrupeds as well but only quadrupeds which have legs with 3 joints since the Mecanim humanoid rig just supports two bones IK solver and gives control for the third bone rotation so no leg with more than 3 joints can be used correctly. Using Mec Foot Placer for legs with more than 3 joints might cause unexpected behavior.

  • Using Mec Foot Placer for climbing and cliff hanging: Form version 1.4 Mec Foot Placer can be used for climbing situations like ladders and cliff hanging. Just note that in cliffhanging or ladder climbing animations, you need to change the up vector in the foot placement data components to point perpendicular to the surface which the character is climbing. Changing the values of the up vector can be done easily at run-time.

  • Avoiding Self Collision: It’s always good to add character’s layer to the layer ignore list of the Mec Foot Placer component to be sure that there would be no self-collision between the physical objects of the character and the rays casted by the Mec Foot Placer component.

If you want to use the pelvis adjustment feature, you have to turn off the “Optimize Game Objects” in the mecanim rig. When having the game objects optimized, the skeleton is just updated within the mecanim avatar update loop and it can’t be manually adjusted. So it’s recommended to use this feature if you don’t need the “Optimize Game Objects” feature.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Avoiding High Dimensionality in Animation State Space

By the progression of computer hardware, video games can have plenty of animations. This amount of animations need to be manipulated. Each specific animation or just some frames of it needs to be played at the right moment to fulfill a motion related task . Usually, developers try to keep the animation controller separate from the other modules like AI or control so they can just send some parameters to the animation system and  the animation system should return the most suitable animation to respond well to the control or AI modules. This can remove the complexity of manipulating animations from the control or AI as they already have their own complexities.

The animation controller promises to return the most suitable animation based on the input parameters. There exists different rules to select animations based on the input parameters. Usually, the speed, rotation and translation of the current animation bones are considered and based on these, a suitable animation will be selected which has the least difference in speed and translation/rotation with the currently playing animation poses. Also the returned animation has to satisfy the motion related tasks. It has to do what the other modules are expected from it to do. For example a path planner can send input parameters like steering degree and speed value to the animation controller and the animation controller should return the best suited motion out of its existing animations to follow the path correctly.

There exists different animation controllers which have already become a standard in video games. The most famous are the animation state machines. They are in many game engines or game animation middleware. They can be combined with animation blend trees as the most of the animation systems are offering them. Usually they are created manually by the animation specialists.

There are some other animation controllers like motion graphs, parametric motion graphs or reinforcement learning based animation controllers. Each of which have their own specifications and they should be discussed separately. Just note that all of these controllers can be implemented on top of an animation state machine which can offer animation blending, transitioning, time offsets within transitions and hierarchical states. I can mention Unreal Engine 4 animation system as a good one which have most of these features (not all).

Animation controllers might face a problem when they have to manipulate many animations. The problem is the high dimensionality of the state space. The controller has to create many states so it can respond well to the input parameters. When state space become high dimensional, the transitions between states grow as an order of power of two. Having a high dimensional state space will lead the system to become impractical, memory consuming and very hard to be manipulated.

In this post I want to introduce a paper based on a research I made about 1.5 years ago. The paper is published about 9 months ago. The research was about reducing state parameters in a Reinforcement Learning based animation controller which was used for locomotion planning. Although RL-based animation controllers are used less in gaming industry but they are finding their way through, because they can offer an almost automatic workflow to connect separate animations within  an animation database to fulfill different motion tasks and create a continuous space out of separate animations.

I'll try to write another post to show how you can reduce states in a manually created animation state machine since manually created animation state machines are being used most widely in gaming industry. However this post is about reducing the dimensions of state space in a RL-Based animation controller.

Here is the abstract:

"Motion and locomotion planning have a wide area of usage in different fields. Locomotion planning with premade character animations has been highly noticed in recent years. Reinforcement Learning presents promising ways to create motion planners using premade character animations. Although RL-based motion planners offer great ways to control character animations but they have some problems that make them hard to be used in practice, including high dimensionality and environment dependency. In this paper we present a motion planner which can fulfill its motion tasks by selecting its best animation sequences in different environments without any previous knowledge of the environment. We combined reinforcement learning with a fuzzy motion planer to fulfill motion tasks. The fuzzy control system commands the agent to seek the goal in environment and avoid obstacles and based on these commands, the agent select its best animation sequences. The motion planner is taught through a reinforcement learning process to find optimal policy for selecting its best animation sequences. To validate our motion planner‟s performance, we implemented our method and compared it with a pure RL-based motion planner."

You may find the paper here.